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Child Neglect Practitioner Resources

The Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership has developed a series of resources and tools to help practitioners identify and respond to child neglect.

images of daily life items


Child Neglect Quick Guide

Read our Quick Guide on Child Neglect for a brief understanding of what child neglect is, how it impacts on children, signs of neglect, and what you should do as a professional.

For more detailed guidance, visit the Child Neglect section of the West Midlands Regional Procedures.

Child Neglect Screening Tool (Practitioner)

The Child Neglect Screening Tool is for front line practitioners from all partner agencies in Herefordshire when they are concerned about possible child neglect. The screening tool is a means to develop an overall picture of life for a child and quickly identify areas of concern that may indicate a child or young person (of any age) is being neglected.


A Day in My Life

The Day in My Life tool can be used in variety of ways to draw out the daily lived experience of the child. This helps to understand what is happening in families where child neglect is a concern, and what actions might lead to improved outcomes for children.

The Guidance document provides an overview of how to use the tool. There are a number of templates provided that can be used flexibly in how you approach this exercise with children, young people or families.

With thanks to W. Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership for use of some of their materials.

Multi-Agency Chronology Tool

A chronology is a succinct summary and overview of the significant dates and events in a child’s / young person’s life, in chronological order. A multi-agency chronology is when multiple professionals/organisations each input information about their own involvement with a child into the chronology, so that the full picture of how the family interacted with different professionals and services can be understood.

Graded Care Profile 2

The Graded Care Profile 2 is an assessment tool, developed by the NSPCC, to help identify and measure risk of child neglect. Practitioners complete the tool with the family, to support the family to identify where children require further support and whether the level of care needs to be improved.

Practitioners need to attend GCP2 training to be licensed to use the tool. See for GCP2 courses for practitioners in Herefordshire. There is also a GCP2 refresher course available for practitioners who are already trained and would like to strengthen their practice.

Looking for more training?

See for free training courses offered by the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, including “Understanding Child Neglect” and “Graded Care Profile 2.”


“We would like professionals to have a better understanding of some of our experiences.” Message from a young person in Herefordshire, 2022