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Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

When a child suffers a serious injury or death as a result of child abuse or neglect, understanding what happened and why can help to improve our responses in the future. Understanding the impact that the actions of different organisations and agencies had on that child’s life and on the life of their family is essential to improve our collective knowledge.

The Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership has a legal duty to undertake reviews of serious cases (Rapid Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews) where a child has died or suffered serious harm, and abuse or neglect is known or suspected. The criteria for such reviews is set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.

The purpose of Rapid Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews is to identify improvements to be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Reviews should seek to prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of similar incidents.

Herefordshire Policies and Guidance on Rapid Reviews & CSPR

Herefordshire has signed up to the Regional Framework for completing Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. See Regional Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Framework.

The local pathway for Rapid Reviews and JCR Children’s Referral Form can be accessed here

Recently Published Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews:

The HSCP published LCSPR “Child HN” on 18 March, 2024. Read the report here – Final Report LCSPR Child HN 

The HSCP published the Executive Summary of Serious Case Review Louise on 28 November, 2022. Read the Executive Summary – SCR Louise - Executive Summary

The HSCP published CSPR Peer on Peer Abuse on 21 February, 2022. Read the full CSPR Peer on Peer Abuse .

The HSCP Published SCR Matthew on 7 February, 2022. Read the full report for SCR Matthew  here .

Learning Lessons from Rapid Reviews and Case Reviews

The following learning briefings have been published in response to learning from case reviews in Herefordshire and nationally:

When a Child Safeguarding Practice Review is completed, the HSCP will publish the report on this website for at least three years, unless doing so is considered inappropriate. The report will also be submitted to the NSPCC case review repository.

If it is not deemed appropriate to publish a report locally, the HSCP will seek to publish it anonymously on the NSPCC case review repository. Any information about improvements identified following the review will also be published, where appropriate to do so.

The HSCP also follows its Media and Communications Protocol when publishing a case review. See  HSCP Media Protocols .

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel is an independent panel that commissions reviews of serious child safeguarding cases that have national interest.

Local authorities notify the national review panel when a serious incident or death of a child occurs and abuse is known or suspected, or when a child who was in care sadly dies.

Latest publications and information about the panel’s work can be found on their website here

Click on the links below for NSPCC Case Review pages including the national Case Review Repository containing a searchable resource over 1,000 reports from across the UK:

NSPCC Case Reviews pages including Case Review Repository

NSPCC Learning from Serious case reviews