Concerned About an Adult?
If at any time you are concerned that an adult is being abused or harmed, please use these contact details.
To report a concern:
Please complete the safeguarding concern form: HSAB Concern Form
The following document will provide you with advice on how to complete the form: Concern Form Guidance
Not all situations will require reporting to the local authority as a safeguarding concern, for example when the impact on the person is low and you are satisfied that the abuse will not continue and you have taken action.
Please read this document for further information: Concern or Alternative Action.
If you require any advice or have continuing concerns contact the team using the details below:
The Advice and Referral Team will assist in any requests for Care Assessments or Carers Assessments. They can be contacted on 01432 260101
If your concern is about a child or young person, please contact the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01432 260800. For more information go to the page Concerned About a Child .
In an emergency
If someone is injured or in immediate danger:
If there is no emergency but you think a crime may have been committed:
*Calls to 101 (from both landlines and mobile networks) cost 15 pence per call, no matter what time of day you call, or how long you are on the phone. The 15p cost of the call goes to the telephony providers to cover the cost of carrying the calls. The police and government receive no money from calls to 101. You can also email the police to inform them of concerns and start a conversation with them at .
The Care Act defines adult abuse as:
It is abuse whether or not it is intentional.
If you are concerned about abuse taking place outside the county your first point of contact should still be Herefordshire safeguarding adults team:
When you contact the safeguarding adults team with a concern they will:
They may ask you to complete the Concern Form, or complete it for you, using your views or concerns.
When it’s not safeguarding
Sometimes another team or agency will be the best one to respond. The safeguarding adults team will decide which team is best able to respond to the needs or concerns that have been identified. They will agree with you whether you or they should make contact.
Making safeguarding personal
In Herefordshire, we want to make sure that everything we do to help you is based on your hopes and aspirations rather than us simply telling you what you need to do. We want you to be in control as much as you can be and want to be. This is our approach and is part of a nationwide change to make safeguarding personal.
If you or someone else rings us because they are concerned for your safety, we will work with you or an advocate (friend, carer or representative) to find out what you need to happen to make you feel safe again.
When you report a concern a member of staff will:
Let you know what action has been taken as a result of your call.
There are legislative arrangements in place to protect workers who need reassurance that it is safe for them to raise concerns about abuse taking place in the workplace. Raising a concern of this type is called whistleblowing.
Further information is available in the Whistleblowing-Policy