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Herefordshire Safeguarding Boards and Partnerships

Trigger Warning: Some of the content on these pages may be triggering. Remember, you can use the ‘Leave this page’ function to the right at any time.

Advice and resources, Herefordshire Youth Hub, Local support

Herefordshire Youth Hub

The role of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership is to make sure agencies are working together to keep children and young people safe from harm.

This part of the site, the ‘Youth Hub’ is for young people in Herefordshire, age 11+, who are worried about something and are looking for information, help and advice on topics that will help to keep you safe. Some of it can be sensitive, so look out for the trigger warnings above.

Remember, if you are concerned about anything, it’s always best to tell a trusted adult. If you need immediate help there’s the number for Childline at the bottom of every page. If you need to report a concern about yourself or another child, there’s also the ‘Concerned about a child’ box at the top of each page, plus a ‘Leave Page’ function if you need to leave the page quickly.

The coloured boxes further down the page highlight the areas young people told us they wanted extra support with. Click on each one to find helpful links to more information, local and national support. Whatever your concern, you’re not alone and there are lots of agencies out there to help.

If you’re unsure of any of the terms used on these pages, check out our Glossary of Safeguarding Terms.


Click on the tabs below to find more information and helpful links

You may just have come to this page to find something to do! Sometimes being a part of something can instantly make us feel better and safer.

Look at the link to the Talk Community Directory for lots of youth groups and activities in Herefordshire.



Need to talk to someone? Call Childline on 08001111

Click on the logo for more ways to contact them.   Childline home page