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Herefordshire Safeguarding Boards and Partnerships

Herefordshire Youth Hub home pageTrigger Warning: Some of these pages may contain content that is triggering. Remember, you can use the ‘Leave this page’ function to the right at any time.

Children's rights title

Children’s Rights

Every young person has the right to be heard and it’s important to know what to expect from the professionals that may work with you.

For example, what will happen if I make a safeguarding disclosure? What do I do if I have a complaint about a professional I’ve been working with?

Look at the links below to find out more about your rights. You might also find our Who’s Who and What’s What page helpful, to help understand technical words in safeguarding, and what is happening.

 Hear Me

Hear Me is a local service that can provide advocacy to young people if they have a specific issue with the local authority that they need representation for, or support to speak up.

Complaints and Feedback

A direct link to complaints procedures for different organisations in Herefordshire. If you are receiving services and wish to make a complaint or provide feedback about those services, you can use this.

All your rights explained – Law Stuff

Law Stuff is a site run by Coram’s Children’s Legal Centre and explains your rights – look for the handy boxes in the menu to find out specifics!

Your Rights – Children’s Commissioner

A longer read explaining exactly what young people should expect from services and step-to-step guide to what happens if you become involved in them.

NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service)

NYAS explains what rights and entitlements young people have when they’re living in care. There also tell you how to get support with these from a range of services they offer.

Need to talk to someone? Call Childline on 08001111

Click on the logo for more ways to contact them    Childline home page